Unnayan Shahojogy Team, 1986

Unnayan Shahojogy Team (UST) was born in June 1986. Since its inception, UST has been working with the rural disadvantaged people to enhance their capacity to mobilize the available resources for sustainable livelihoods of the rural poor and disadvantaged people, particularly the people living in the river in chars, coastal and floodplain areas.

UST believes that it is possible to bring about changes in the situation of the disadvantaged rural people, if they are empowered. Thus UST emphasizes on the building of people’s capability to manage all kinds of assets and to establish their control over resources, which is centrally important for sustainable livelihoods.

However, UST, realising the importance of leadership of poor people in the development process, for the improvement of their socio-economic status in the society, as well as establishing their control over all development process, has been working directly with the people, which greatly contributes to ensure livelihoods security as well as total development of the rural poor and disadvantaged people.

UST has been facilitating integrated development program with the understanding that people have been suffering from manifold problems where single approach is not enough to address and remove those problems. Thus, UST taking this in to consideration, has been implementing multi-sectoral programs since last 30 years. It has gained substantial knowledge and experience towards people-centred development approach.

Vision of UST:         People’s Development is in People’s Hands

Mission of UST:

  • Women Empowerment
  • Shabolombee Gram (self-help village)

Objectives of UST

  • Develop people’s organization of disadvantaged women (Gram Unnayan Parishad-GUP) and empower them to lead the processes of promotion and protection of human rights.
  • Support local initiatives to ensure spontaneous and active participation of the rural disadvantaged people towards sustainable environmental health.
  • Promotion and protection of child rights.
  • Support for creation self-help employment and income generation of the poor and the poorest towards poverty alleviation.
  • Support sustainable livelihood practices of the poor and the poorest, especially, the people in difficult areas.
  • Promotion of mass movement to ensure active participation for achieving sustainable environmental development
  • Promotion of social movement to create a positive attitude towards disabled persons and to ensure their participation towards establishment of their rights and social justice.
  • Support mobilization of local and external resources through strengthening local governance for the reconstruction of the neglected villages into ‘Shabolombee Gram (Self-Help Village) Disseminate and replicate through training, workshop and seminar. UST’s learning and experiences of self-help village.
  • Ensure sustainable environmental health ensuring safe water sanitation and improved hygiene practices in the community.
  • Develop capacity of local government in order to ensuring access of the poor to resources.
  • Promote capacity to the community people for disaster preparedness and management.

UST has been implementing its overall programs into five thematic areas:

  • Food Security and Livelihoods
  • Sustainable Environmental Health and Sanitation (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion)
  • Women Empowerment and Child Rights
  • Climate Change and Disaster  Risk Management.
  • Education and Training

Food  Security and livelihoods :

UST has been implementing sustainable livelihood and Food security programs in the remote difficult, hard-to-reach char and coastal areas in Bangladesh realizing the poor people’s needs, for more than two decades. The ultimate goal of this program is to promote economic empowerment of the poor through asset generation and regeneration process. UST believes that everyone has right to food with adequate supply. The program Livelihood and Food Security Programs equip the poor with knowledge, capacity and skills so that they can generate and regenerate their livelihood assets.

Through this program, UST also facilitates the integrated approach for employment and reproductive income generation activities. In order to ensure and promote alternative livelihoods of char and coastal areas, UST has been working to promote ecological agriculture. To this end, UST has been providing supports to small and women farmers since 1986.

UST provides training to the beneficiaries on ecological agriculture. Demonstration of eco-agricultural plots is also one of the vital activities of its Livelihood and Food Security program. Since its inception, UST has gained considerable knowledge and capacity for providing skill-based training to beneficiaries on, integrated farming, livestock, poultry, fishery etc. UST also organizes training courses for its beneficiaries on tree plantation and nursery development. Both these are vital components of the program.

Major  current and passed projects under Food Security and livelihoods program :

Name of project and major Tasks: Working Area Status
Ensure year-wise Nutritional Security Bangladeshi women farmers through community level implementation of domestic solar conduction dryers” project supported Bangladesh Agricultural University and National Institute of Nutrition(NIN) Indea  for the period 2017 to  2020 Jaldhaka upzila under  Nilphamari district On going
Sustainable Rice seed production & Delivery Systems for Southern Bangladesh (SRSPDS) Project:
For the period 2012 to 2017, Funded by IRRI
Major Tasks: Farmers group development, Capacity building on Saline tolerant, climate resilient  crop production, advocacy and Networking
Amtali Upazila in Barguna district On-going
Reduced poverty for the poor and Ultra poor:
For the period 2012 to 2015
Funded by ICCO/ KerkinActe, Netherlands
Major Tasks: Capacity building on crop production, small farming, home-based farming, agriculture on fallow land nutrition.
Asset generation and regeneration, Livestock development, fruit village development, plantation, Market Chain development, Advocacy & Networking.
Jaldhaka and Nilsadar Upazila under Nilphamari district Complete
Economic Empowerment of ultra poor women through self-help group and innovative approach:
For the period Jan 2014 to 2016, funded by EC/RDRS
Major Tasks: Capacity building on sustainable approach, facilitation of self-help as well as innovative initiatives for integrated farming, IGA, leadership and management skill development, resource mobilization knowledge development, group dynamics, re-inventions of experimental knowledge. Advocacy and farmer’s network development
Gobindaganj and Shaghata Upazila under Gaibandha district Complete
Economic Empowerment of poor women through self-help group and innovative approach:
For the period  2014 to 2o17
Major Tasks: Capacity building, Integrated farming, resource mobilization, EIG, small farming, integrated water management, multiple food production, networking, linkage with DAE, livestock, DoF, LGIs, Local Bank,  financing institutions
Amtali Upazila of Barguna District On-going
Achieving Sustainable Livelihoods of the poor women through Economic empowerment and coping with natural disaster:
For the period 2009 to 2013, funded by ICCO
Major Tasks:  Women farmer group formation,  Capacity building on  integrated farming (home gardening, crop production, Asset generation and re-generation, fruit village development, plantation, crop production on fallow lands, Women empowerment through leadership development, Education & awareness,  awareness on coping with Disaster and preparedness & management, promotion of sustainable development through Gram Unnayan Parishad ( GUP ) approach, Lobbying & advocacy
Amtoli Upazila under Barguna district completed
Improvement of poor people’s livelihoods through integrated approach towards ensuring food and disaster management:
For the period 2009 to 2o12, funded by ICCO
Major Tasks: Capacity building, Asset transfer, seed distribution, tree distribution, support for IGA, small business, Home-gardening, education and awareness, Networking and linkage with stakeholders and value chain development
Jaldhaka and Nil sadar Upzila undr Nilphamari district and Shaghata Upzila under Gaibandha district Completed
Gaibandha Food Security for poor and Ultra poor:
For the period 2009 to 2013, funded by EC and ICCO
Major Tasks: Capacity building  on  through training, Asset transfer for generation and re-generation and multiplication, Support for income generation through EIG/IGA, crop production, homestead gardening, poultry, Livestock development, Social forestation, agriculture on khas land, Nutrition program, TBA Training, advocacy and networking
 Gobindhagonj upzila and Shaghata upazila under Gaibandha district Complete
Women in ecological agriculture project:
For the period 2004 to 2006, funded by UCN-Netherlands
Major tasks: Women group development, capacity building of women farmers on ecological agriculture, homestead gardening, poultry, IGA, plantation, Advocacy, networking and linkage with various stakeholders
Jaldhaka and Nil sadar Upzila undr Nilphamari district and Shaghata Upzila under Gaibandha district completed
Food Security for the poor and the poorest of rural Bangladesh:
For the period 2007 to 2009, funded by ICCO
Major Tasks: Capacity building, Asset transfer, Homestead gardening and small agricultural farming, seed preservation, plantation, fruit village development, Market chain development, advocacy, networking and linkage
Jaldhaka and Nil sadar Upzila undr Nilphamari district and Shaghata Upzila under Gaibandha district Completed


Sustainable Environmental Health and sanitation :

With the aim of improving the status in health, quality of life and livelihoods of the rural poor, UST has been facilitating the integrated as well as participatory safe water, environmental sanitation, and hygiene promotional activities since 1986 in the char and coastal areas. UST as one of the pioneer NGOs has been playing key role as facilitator of women-led WaSH and Community-led total sanitation activities. UST has also facilitated UP-led (Local Government Institution-led) total sanitation program in partnership with Union Parishads. Now this model is being replicated by numerous development partners in Bangladesh.

UST has been undertaking WaSH programs under the financial as well as technical support of WaterAid, unicef, HySAWA Foundation for promotion of sustainable environmental health. In Bangladesh total sanitation for all is always challenging. Its land pattern, geographical condition; locations are different from that of many other countries. Even the poor people hardly give priority to sanitation in their daily lives. Due to flood and monsoon rain, the latrines built at household level usually get damaged every year. Thus the achievement cannot sustain. People use to suffer from acute problems due to lack of appropriate technological options with regard to water and sanitation in the flood-prone areas. Recently, UST has demonstrated many technological options for toilet for the costal and char areas.  All those options are climate resilient and suitable for flood-prone costal area

Major current and passed projects under Environmental Health & Sanitation program :

Name of project and major program Working Area Status
Strategic Engagement Plan (SEP) funded by WSSCC for the period 2015 to 2020: Hygiene Promotion /capacity building training for CBO Members, Observance of World Water Day, Press Conference on Equity and Inclusion of the disadvantage communities, Press Conference highlighting MHM, Press Conference highlighting MHM on equity and inclusion of the disadvantaged communities, ToT to partner NGOs to continue Training to respective CBO federations on WASH sector, Meeting on Leave no One behind : Equity and Inclusion, Progress Sharing Meeting, Workshop with LGIs, CBO leaders and other stakeholders to adopt government policies, Observance of National Sanitation Month October 2015 and Global Hand Washing Day, Observance of Global Menstrual Hygiene Management Day. Barisal, Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylet, Mymensingh, Khulna, Rajshahi, Rangpur division with  6 partner on WASH activities On-going
Adaptation to Climate Change on Wash in char areas:
For the period 2011 to 2016
Major Tasks: formation of mother group, adolescent and youth group, children and school group. Formation and activation of Ward Disaster management Committee, capacity building of the mother group, WDMC on vulnerability assessment, preparation of community-based planning and implementation of works, monitoring, meeting,
Strengthening capacity of LGIs on resource mobilization, open budgeting and
Installation and repairing of TWs, sanitary latrines in the community, bazaar and schools, organizing session at schools, Union Parishads on hygiene promotion and monitoring
Entrepreneurship development, Advocacy and networking

Zanjira and Naria upazila under Shariatpur district
And Haimchar Upazila under Chandpur district



Max value for WaSH in the Blue gold polders in Patuakhali:
For the period 2013 to 2016, funded by Max Foundation
Major Tasks: CBO formation, courtyard group formation and capacity building of the women on communication, advocacy and lobby,
TBA training, ANC, PNC support to pregnant women, hygiene promotion,  children’s growth promotion
Installation of latrine, mobilize LGI for installation of TW and distribution of latrines for ADP
Advocacy and lobby
Patuakhali Sadar under Patuakhali districts
Unions: Kalikapur, Joinkathi, Auliapur and Morichbunia.
Community based Total sanitation (CATS) project:
For the period 2014 to 2017, supported by GoB Unicef / Practical Action
Social Mobilization for WASH demand generation
Development of IEC & BCC materials, Workshop and Meeting, Participatory Monitoring and Progress review, Advocacy and influence
Demonstration, Documentation & Project Learning Sharing
Awareness campaign & Mobilization activities for Wash in School, Orientation of Students brigade/councils, Debate and art ceremony at Upazila level, Rehabilitation of hand washing,  sanitation and water facilities

Jamalpur, district
Hobigong district
Sunamgonj district

Hygiene Sanitation and Water Supply project:
For the period 2013 to 2015, supported by HYSAWA fund
Major Tasks: Capacity building of Union Parishad as support organization
(Capacity building of Union Parishad, for improving WaSH, coordination with various stakeholders including LGIs, DPHE, Local Administration and public, private entrepreneurs)
Barisal, Jhalokathi and Pirojpur Barisal district (Agaljihara,Muladi, Hizla,Gournadi, Babugonj,Mehendigonj Upazila),  Jhalokathi district (Jalokathi Sadar and Nalchity Upazila) and Pirojpur district (Kawkhali,Nazirpur Upazila) Completed
Hygiene Sanitation and Water Supply project:
For the period 2013 to 2015, supported by HYSAWA Fund
Major Tasks: Capacity building of Union Parishad as support organization

(Capacity building of Union Parishad, for improving WaSH, coordination with various stakeholders including LGIs, DPHE, Local Administration and public, private entrepreneurs.)

Shariatpur, Madaripur, Gopalganj
Shariotpur  district (Noria, Zanjira, Gosharhat,  Damoda and Sadra Upazila), Madaripur district (Madaripur Sadar, Rajor, Shibchar Upazila) Gopalganj district (Gopalgonj sadar, Kotalipara ,kashiani,Muksedpur  Upzila)
Hygiene, Sanitation and Water Supply (HYSAWA) Project: GoB Unicef project: for the period: 2007 to 2012, funded by GoB Unicef Facilitate UP as support Organization in order to ensure water and sanitation and hygiene promotion Completed
Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH)
For the period 2003 to 2009, funded by WaterAid Bangladesh
Major Tasks: CBO formation, children group formation, adolescent group formation and capacity building.
Installation of TWs and Latrines in market places, Community and schools, 100% sanitation mobilizing the community resources, Hygiene promotional meeting at community, schools, pro-poor Advocacy workshop and lobby, Strengthening capacity of LGI, WatSan Committees for utilization of budget in ADP.
 Kalihati & Tangail sadra Upazila Upazila of Tangail district and Zanjira, Noria and sadar Upazila in Shariatpur district, and Fulsor and shaghta Upazila under Gaibandha district Completed
Enhancing Environmental Health through Community based Organization (EEHCO).
For the period 2009 to 2011, funded by WaterAid BD
Major Tasks: Capacity building of CBOs by training and workshop
Installation of TWs, latrines, Hygiene promotions, Day observance, Advocacy with LGI, for open budgeting, workshop, networking with stakeholders, policy makers
Kalihati of Tangail and Zanjira of Shariatpur district Completed
Local Adaptation for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion with reference to Climate Change in Rural Bangladesh
For the period 2010 to 2011, funded by WaterAid
Major Tasks: Capacity building of the community groups, LGIs, leaders, Activation of UDMCs, Capacity building, installation of climate resilient WaSH facilities at school, community and bazaar along with construction and repair platforms, Networking and establishing linkage with different  stakeholders.
Zanjira Upazila of Shariatpur district Completed
Union Parishad-led Water and Sanitation Project:
For the period 2006 to 2009, funded by WaterAid
.Major Tasks: Capacity building of the CBOs, installation and repair of safe water points with water quality tests, commissioning of hygienic latrines at community, bazaar, schools and Hygiene promotion, Advocacy and networking
Nagorpur Upazila of Tangail district Completed
Hygiene, Sanitation and Water Supply (HYSAWA) Project:
For the period 2008 to 2011, supported by HYSAWA Fund
Major Tasks: Facilitate UP as support Organization in order to ensure water and sanitation and hygiene promotion
Naogaon district Completed
Consulting Services for Working as Support Organization in Hygiene Sanitation Water supply (HySAWA) project:
For the period 2008 to 2010, supported by HYSAWA Fund
Major Tasks: Capacity building of Union Parishad, for improving WaSH, coordination with various stakeholders including LGIs, DPHE, Local Administration and public, private entrepreneurs.
Barisal, Jhalokathi and Pirojpur district Completed
Hygiene Sanitation and Water Supply project-Training:
For the period 2013 to 2014, supported by HYSAWA Fund
Strengthening capacity of Union Parishad in planning and implementing WaSH project in the community
Gaibandha, Nilphamari, Rangpur, Thakurgaon Completed


Women Empowerment Programme:

Rural poor women are vulnerable and disadvantaged group. Patriarchal value, age-old attitudes of men towards women, individual economic status etc. has made the women subordinate to their counterpart. The women are deprived of their rights; they enjoy less opportunity to participate in decision-making and socio- political affairs. Women’s direct and indirect contribution in the national development is hardly valued and recognized as it is done for men. This type of inequality is one of the hindrances towards the progress of nation.

Considering the fact, UST has entrenched the issues of gender equality in all its project interventions. UST believes that the issues of women advancement and rights needs to be included in every development intervention. UST takes it granted that the gender sensitiveness can also help to bring about changes in the attitude and values of society and it can create an environment where women will no longer be considered as women and vulnerable, an isolated disadvantaged group.

UST has developed Gram Unnayan Parishad (GUP) taking the issue of women empowerment in to granted. The GUPs are developed and graduated as self-help group of women, in light of its mission. UST takes it as an indispensible task to promote grass-root organization of disadvantaged women, Gram Unnayan Parishad (GUP) in all its working areas and empowers the women towards sustainable community development.

Gram Unnayan Parishad (GUP) is the rural local governance based “People’s Organization” at union level. In the first entry to a new village, UST forms Mohila Samity.  Mohila Samity takes about 3-4 years to attain maturity. Then, they form the Gram Unnayan Parishad (GUP) This GUP is a community-managed parallel organization of the Union Parishad.

Each GUP consists of two bodies i.e. General Council and Executive Committee. The General Council comprises of all the members of all the Mahila Samity in each Union while the Executive Committee is comprised of a President, Secretary, Cashier and eight other Members. These committees are elected for three years term by direct vote of the members of the General Council. The ultimate goal of UST’s work is to ensure women’s empowerment and develop Shabolombee Gram (self-help village). Gram Unnayan Parishad (GUP) is the vehicle of women empowerment and Shabolombee Gram. GUP itself is an informal institute to ensure governance, equity and women’s political participation in their respective areas.

In order to eliminate gender disparity and ensure social justice to women, UST carried out a number of activities during the years such as;  rights-based courtyard meeting, training on income generation activities, workshops with different stakeholders, day observance etc. UST has developed variety of IEC materials for raising awareness among the people.

Being a trained member of self-help women group, the women are promoting knowledge on gender equality in their respective families, the community and the decision-making bodies. The leaders of GUP are now taking part in local level decision-making processes, at the LGIs and Local government Institution level. The women are also taking part in local level advocacy programs to increase their access to services and budget-making process in the Union Parishads and also in various development activities.

Major current and passed  projects under Women empowerment program :

Name of project and major program components/activities Working Area Status
Regional Program to promote Gender Equality and Political Participation in Bangladesh:
For the period 2012 to 2017, funded by, Paz y Desarrollo (PyD), SpanisMajor Tasks: Women group formation, establishment of women rights, increase capacity and knowledge of the women and UP members, Civil society organization members on women rights, human rights, gender, gender and development, CEDAW, VAW, current laws relating to VAW, rights and entitlements, Social and political rights, electoral process, roles and responsibilities of UP members (duty bearers), early marriage, Zero-dowry movement, Youth forum development and capacity building promotion of knowledge of youth forum on women rights, VAW and CEDAW etc.  Advocacy workshops and Regional Congress
Nil sadar  and jaldhaka Upazila under Nilphamari district On-going
Women workers in Agriculture Sector: Creating Better Livelihoods through Ensuring Rights and Entitlements:
For the period 2013 2017, funded by MJF
Capacity building on rights, women workers forum development, Linkage with GO-NGO service providers, production of food.
Jaldhaka Upazila under Nilphamari district On-going
Women empowerment and sustainable Community development program:
For the period 1991 to 1994 funded by EZE
Major Tasks: Awareness raising, capacity Building by various training, food security and socio-economic empowerment though integrated farming, Plantation, advocacy and networking etc.
Shariatpur distric, 3 upzillat Completed
Women empowerment and sustainable Community development program ( 2nd phase)
For the period 1995 to 1998 funded by EZE
Major Tasks: Awareness raising, capacity Building by various training, food security and socio-economic empowerment though integrated farming, Plantation, advocacy and networking etc. GUP development for sustainability
Shariatpur district, 3 upzila Completed
Women Empowerment & Sustainable Community Development. For the period 1993 to 1998, funded by Stitching DOEN Sadar, Khalihati Upzila under Tangail Complete
Community Mobilization through Unity and Training Initiative for
Empowerment Society.
For the period 1999 to 2003
PLAN International – Bangladesh
Sadar upzila , Jaldhaka Upzila under Nilphamari district Complete

Women empowerment and Sustainable Community Development supported by
Rabobank Foundation for the period 2005 to 2005

Sadar upzila, Jaldhaka Upzila under Nilphamari district Complete

Shabolombee project  funded by Rabo bank Foundation Netherlands for the period 2004 to 2006

Sadar upzila, Jaldhaka Upzila under Nilphamari district Complete


Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management program:

UST possess immense experience in disaster preparedness and dealing with risk management following the disaster, i.e. long term and short term disaster management. In this regard, UST provides necessary information and training to the people to enhance their capacity with regard to mobilization of local resources and emergency relief. UST has demonstrated experience of working with the victims of flash floods, cyclones, draught and tornados, Monga (temporary famine). UST takes it into granted that relief is not the only solution and thus it works with the local people to promote their knowledge and skills to cope with disasters.

UST renders quick-responses when events/disasters occur. UST provides both software and hardware supports to the affected areas and its population.

UST has played pioneering role in relief distribution in 1988, 1991, 1995, 2004, 2007  respectively in Tangail, Cox’s Bazaar, Tangail, Narayanganj and Barguna. UST had undertaken rehabilitation work for the affected people. Under this program UST has reconstructed and repaired damaged houses, reinstalled and repaired the sanitation facilities, provided the communities with facilities for construction of low-cost latrines, ring-slab latrines, and community latrines. It had installed and repaired the water facilities. Besides, it delivered education materials i.e. books, pens, pencils, pages etc. to the survivors of disasters.

Followed by Disasters, UST takes immediate actions to improve livelihoods of the affected people that is a complete program that made them return to their normal life. In this regard UST provided boats, nets and other fishing materials to the fishermen in the affected areas. Besides, UST provides training to the people who are affected people to raise income through different IGAs, homestead gardening, seeds distribution, social forestation, goats distribution etc.

Major current and passed  projects under Climate Change & disaster risk management program :

Name of project and major program components/activities Working Area Status
Climate Change Program for Community people for the period  January 2017 to December 2021
Swallows-India Bangladesh
Mobilization of Community Groups and empower them with awareness about their rights and entitlements for water and sanitation. Communities raise their voices, to Local government Institutions (LGIs) and DPHE, other service providers to claim their demands. The Ward Disaster Management Committees, Union Disaster Management Committees (WDMCs, UDMcs) are more active to implement activities with Community Groups. Contingency plans of UDMCs with resources are in place at union level. LGIs are more accountable and actively participating in the project with their resources. People are participating in the open budget ceremony organized by LGIs. Duty bearers are more transparent, responsive and accountable to  their roles and responsibility. Supports from DPHE and other concerned service providers adequately increased. Communities are well aware about disaster preparedness and apt for recovery and adaptation. People have increased access to climate resilient safe water and sanitation. Dignity of the climate vulnerable people, marginalized /excluded, increased. Status of livelihoods of the climate vulnerable people enhanced. New climate change resilient technologies are in place.
Naria Upazila under Shariatpur district

On going

Rehabilitation program of Cyclone Sidor:
For the period 2007 to 2008, funded by ICCO
Major Tasks: Capacity building to cope with disaster, disaster preparedness, Support services to the affected people with complete rehabilitation package, repair damaged houses, construction of new hoses for the affected people, support for crop production, home-based gardening, poultry and livestock,
Installation & renovation of low cost hygienic latrine. Installation of Deep-Tube wells. Distribution of vegetables seeds poor and poorest families. Paddy seeds of saline tolerant varieties to small farmers. Also seeds of nut and  pulses were distributed among poorer families. Distribution of goat, boat & fishing net.
Plantation, creating access of poor people to LGI. advocacy, networking, strengthening capacity of lGIs and resource mobilization for sustainable survives
Amtali Upazila of Barguna district Completed
Disaster preparedness and sustainable livelihood of the Rural poor: for the period 2008 to 2010
Major tasks: Group formation, capacity building to cope with disaster and preparedness, home-based integrated farming, asset generation and plantation
Nilphamari Completed
Post cyclone Relief and Rehabilitation Program:
For the period 1991 to 1996, funded by SCF-uk, Stitching DOEN, Oxfam, WFP,RDRS  etc
Major Tasks: Emergency relief distribution, undertaking rehabilitation works with construction of houses, schools, distribution of boats, nets and other livelihoods means including support for food production, Housing, cyclone shelter,
Kutubdia, Banshkhali of Cox’s bazaar and Chittagong district Completed
Extension Phase, Achieving Sustainable Livelihoods of the Poor Women towards Economic Empowerment and Coping with Natural Disaster
Period: June 2012 to May 2014, funded by ICCO
Samity formation, exchange prog for beneficiaries, Meetting with samity ,follow-up, and nursing for smothly functioning samity, Gram shova for followup activities, Gram Unnayan Parishad (GUP) formation, Homestead  / Kitchen garden : vegetables seeds and fench etc  to beneficiaries for vegetable/ kitchen garden , Capacity Building for Beneficiaries on different prog 600, Organize campaign , Rally and day observance  program at Community and Upzila level,  Support to poor & ultra poor women: Poultry, duck, goat, small trade, etc  for income generating activities


Amtoli Barguna Completed

Education and Training Programme :
Education is one of the basic human rights. But the distressed children are mostly deprived of the opportunities and benefits of education. Therefore, UST has stepped in the development sector working with disadvantaged children to provide them with the opportunity of basic education.
The UST developed Kheli Pori model for primary education is followed in all UST’s children education programs. This program has been initiated for the distress children to provide them with non formal primary education. The word Khelipori means learning through play.UST creates opportunity for the poor children for primary schooling in its project areas. The children undergo primary schooling through UST organized Khelipori Schools.  The Khelipori schools get transformed into a full primary school in five years and obtain registration from the government as registered primary schools.
The UST model of Khelipori School is advocated to register with Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MoPME).  Documents including promotional materials on UST Education programme are developed and printed for use, Street children program is re-activated at urban areas of UST working areas, establishing UST Diploma college/school is in the process for expansion of TVET, UST started school feeding programme with assistance of WFP. UST is also involved with Early Childhood Development (ECD) program to prepare the under five years children towards pre-primary and primary education.
Besides, UST participated in the government sponsored post literacy/adult literacy as well as in non-formal education program under different projects.  The Post literacy program was operated in different areas such as; Fulpur, Chatmohor and Modhupur Upazila under Mymensing, Pabna and Tangail district. Government introduced, in the year 2001, Post Literacy and Continuing Education for Human Development (PLCEHD) Project-1, 2 & 3 as lifelong educational processes in view of the overwhelming number of illiterates in the country in which UST has a participation. UST also run NFPE program for the distressed children at Chanpara slum of Rupganj Upazila under Narayanganj district.
Child Rights
Child rights protection and promotion, particularly, the poor and vulnerable children is the central focus of UST’s Education Program.  UST since its inception in 1986 has been working seriously to promote and protect child rights in Bangladesh. It has been disseminating and facilitating children’s education program and UNCRC rules & policy at grass root level.
UST emphasizes on the building of people’s capacity and skills to manage all kinds of assets and to establish their control over all kinds of resources, which is obviously important for sustainable livelihoods. UST started to provide training to vulnerable rural women on different issues of development process, for the improvement of their socio-economic status in the society, as well as establishing their control over development process. UST has also been working directly with the poor people and contributes to ensure their livelihoods security as well as total development of the rural poor and disadvantaged people. In this context UST has established three training centers in Dhaka, Tangail and Nilphamari districts respectively on its own land.
Thus UST has gained diversified theoretical and practical experience on training and its promotion. The organization has contributed a lot to the field of capacity development during last two and half decades. Through the capacity development activities, UST have developed a number of expert facilitators and all of them have been contributing in capacity building sectors in Bangladesh.
UST has been organizing disadvantaged children and provide them with training and coaching on drama, music, dance, playing musical instruments, operating video camera, arranging stage drama and other cultural programs.

Major current and passed projects under Education and Training program :

Name of project and major program components/activities Working Area Status
School Feeding Programme in Poverty Prone Areas, Haimachar Upazila: for the period: 2018 to 2020
Funded by WFP/ GoB
HimChar Chandpur, On going
Non_formal primary Education, pre-primary/ECD program, TEVT program
Supported by UST
Jaldhaka upzila Nilphamari and Adabor Thana under Dhaka and Rupgonj upzila under  Narayangonj districts On going
Hygiene Sanitation and Water Supply project-Training:
Strengthening capacity of Union Parishad in planning and implementing WaSH project in the community
Period:  March 2013 to February 28, 2014 funded by HYSAWA fund
Gaibandha, Nilphamari, Rangpur, Thakurgaon Complete
Development of Disadvantaged Children through Non-Formal Education and Health and their Mothers Employment’: for the period 1996 to 1998, funded by TDH leather lands
Children Education Program
Gaibandha, Shaghata and Fulsori  upzila Complete
Development of Disadvantaged Children through Non-Formal Education and Health and their Mothers Employment’: for the period 1999 to 2001, funded by TDH leather lands
Children Education Program
 Shaghata  and Fulsori upzila under Gaibandha district Complete
Development of Disadvantaged Children through Non-Formal Education and Health and their Mothers Employment: for the period 2002 to 2004, funded by TDH leather lands
Children Education Program
 Shaghata  and Fulsori upzila under Gaibandha district Complete
Promotion and protection of Rights of children in difficult Situation
From 1998 to 2003  Funded by SKN Netherlands

Children Education program, Health care support and Cultural program

Rupgonj upzila under Narayangonj and Mohammadpur, Mirpur, Adabor under  Dhaka Complete
Integrated Project with Children Education Program, Cultural program, and Health Care
From begging to till now
Funded by ICCO,UCN, RCN, APHD, EZE, Stitching DOEN, KerkinActie, Plan Int, Oxfam Quebec, SCF, USCCB , RDRS/EC (various donor’s)
Tangail, Shariotpur, Gaibandha, Nilphamari, Barguna, Chandpur , Chittagong, Cox’s bazaar districts Complete
Director Of Non Formal Education (PLCE)
(Govt Project) CIDA-NORAD,GOB
Fulpur upzila under Mymensingh, Mudupur under Tangail and Chatmohar Upazilla under Pabna district Complete
Non Formal Primary Education (NFPE)
For the period 1995 to 1997, funded by BRAC
Shaghata and Fulsori upzila under Gaibandha district Complete
Regional Program to promote Gender Equality and Political Participation in Bangladesh:
Youth forum development and capacity building promotion of knowledge of youth forum on women rights, VAW and CEDAW etc.  Advocacy workshops
Nilphamari Sadar  Upazila under Nilphamari District Complete
I F F A D E P – 01
Govt. Project, under The Ministry of Women Affairs
To provide Training to the group members of on employment and income generating activities for the period 1998 to 1999
Costal area Complete