Vision & Strategy


Building a Disaster Resilient Communities


Harnessing collaboration among national and local actors to carry out effective humanitarian action in Bangladesh


The Code of Conduct is a set of shared norms, principles and values – developed by NAHAB members. Below are NAHAB’s sixgeneral principles as promoted by the Code of Conduct:

  • We are committed to comply strictly with international humanitarian principles and human rights law
  • Our work is based on the principle of DO NO HARM and it focuses on responding to emergencies, to chronic needs, reducing the impact of disasters and climate change, and dealing with the root causes of poverty, meeting basic needs, and enabling communities to become resilient and self-sufficient
  • We are accountable to those who we seek to assist, to those providing the resources, and to legal authorities
  • We are transparent in our dealings with the government and community partners, the public, donors and other interested parties
  • We are independent and we strive to maintain our autonomy according to Bangladesh and international  law, and to resist the imposition of conditionality or corrupt practices that may compromise our missions and principles
  • We will not discriminate against any individual or group on the grounds of gender, political affiliation, ethnic origin, religious belief or sexual orientation

Moreover, in NAHAB’s Statute of Operations, the following values support the six general principles:

  • Commitment and Excellence
  • Social and Economic Justice
  • Accountability and Transparency
  • Empowerment and Collaboration
  • Compassion and Empathy
  • Innovation and Sustainability

Internationally, NAHAB follows the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) and the TokyoMutual Accountability Framework (TMAF) principles relevant to NGOs’ activities. NAHAB is committedto uphold and promote international humanitarian principles and human rights law in accordance withthe HAP, TMAF and Government of Bangladesh.